Hamster Bedding: The Best Way to Keep Your Hamsters Happy!

Keeping your hamster happy and healthy is an important part of owning a pet. One way to do this is by giving them the best possible bedding for their cage.

There are many different types out there, but some people like to use natural products instead of synthetic ones. In this article, we will be discussing one such product, which is called “hamster bedding.”

We will also take a look at why it’s the best option for any owner looking to make their furry friend as happy as possible.


What is Hamster Bedding, and Why Do I Need It?

Hamster bedding is something that your pet needs to have in its cage. The bedding will absorb urine and faeces so that they don’t spread around the cage.

There are many types of hamster bedding – some made from wood shavings or hay, while others are made from recycled paper products like newspaper or cardboard tubes.

Types of Hamster Bedding

There are many different types of hamster bedding available on the market. You can find a list online or in your local pet store, but here is an overview of some popular options:

  1. Pine shavings– these are a popular choice for hamster bedding because they are easy to clean and absorb moisture well
  2. Aspen wood chips– these are also a popular choice, but may not be as absorbent as pine shavings
  3. Paper towels or newspaper– this is an inexpensive option that can work well with other types of bedding
  4. Cedar chips– cedar has natural anti-bacterial properties and makes the cage smell nice; however, it’s expensive and doesn’t absorb moisture very well
  5. Cardboard tubes from paper towel rolls or toilet paper rolls – these make great hiding spots for your hamsters in their cages
  6. Carefresh pet bedding pellets– these are made from recycled cellulose fibres that have been compressed into small pellet form; they’re safe to use around pets because they don’t contain any soy products

No matter what type of bedding you use for your pet hamster, it is important to change the cage’s litter as often as possible.

Preparing Bedding For Your Hamster

When it comes to adding bedding for your hamster, you want to make sure that there are no bugs or mites hiding in the materials.

To do this, place any new material into a bag and put it in the freezer for 48 hours before returning back out of the freezer after they have reached room temperature.

This process will kill all insects while ensuring safety from harmful pests when placing them in their cage.


How Often Should You Change Hamster Bedding?

It’s usually recommended to change bedding at least once per week because hamsters often use their bedding as a toilet and wet droppings can accumulate quickly.

How Much Does Hamster Bedding Cost?

Bedding for hamsters can range in price from £5 to £20, or more.

The estimated cost of a bag is around £10, but the cost varies depending on how much bedding you need and what type you buy.

You might also want to consider the size of the container your hamster will be living in before purchasing bedding; smaller containers usually need less bedding than larger ones.

Where to Buy Hamster Bedding?

You can buy hamster bedding at most pet stores, large grocery stores or find it on the Amazon website.

Does Hamster Bedding Expire?

Bedding can get mouldy and dusty after a while, too. It needs to be changed every two months maximum especially if you’re using wood chips or shavings that don’t have any type of deodoriser.

Just like us humans, hamsters need clean air to breathe properly so they will also not be satisfied with old bedding in their cage!

Can Hamsters Live Without Bedding?

A hamster needs bedding to provide warmth and foraging opportunities, as well as reducing cage smells. In cages without bedding, the bars themselves can be a source of comfort which mimics the feeling of being in an enclosed burrow.

Considering all these important functions, we recommend using at least some type of safe, fresh bedding material while still encouraging natural nesting behaviour with the addition of platforms and tunnels.




Hamster bedding is one of the most important things you can buy for your hamster.

We think that it’s worth investing in high-quality, long-lasting bedding because it will keep your pet safe and comfortable which will make them happier overall.

Hamsters are very picky about their habitat and will let you know if they’re not comfortable with how things look or feel by either refusing food or becoming aggressive.

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