Russian Dwarf Hamster

The term Russian dwarf hamster usually refers to several different species including the Winter White Russian Dwarf hamster, the Campbell’s Russian Dwarf hamster, and the Roborovski’s Dwarf hamster. The Russian Winter White and the Campbell’s Russian dwarf hamster are often mistaken for one species due to their similar size of about 8 to 10 centimetres and their colouring. The Roborovski hamster is the smallest of the three adults growing to only be about 4 to 5 centimetres.

The Winter White dwarf hamster is more rare then the Campbell’s dwarf hamster among pet shops. They are usually sold in pairs of the same sex and are friendly. What is so amazing about these little creatures is their ability to change colour in the winter. In their native homelands, Winter Whites change from their normal dark grey colouring to white in order to camouflage themselves and escape from predators in the snow. It is a trait that has followed them even into captivity. The process of their colour change has to do with the amount of natural sunlight they receive on a daily basis. The shorter hours of day light prompts them to change to white. Winter Whites that are exposed to mainly artificial light will most likely not change their colour.

Campbell’s Russian dwarf hamsters are also known as Djungaria hamsters because they come from a region in Mongolia called Djungaria. It is this type of dwarf hamsters that are commonly found in local pet shops. Along with the growth of their popularity came the growth of creative breeding and the increase of their colour combinations and markings. In addition to their natural or normal wild colour, those wanting to own these hamsters can find them in with spots, mottled, or even colours like cinnamon, black or even shades or blue or lilac.

Roboroski dwarf hamsters were found in their natural habitats of the desert dunes of Western and Eastern regions of Mongolia and some parts of Northern China. Although they are smaller than their White Winter and Campbell’s dwarf hamster cousins, they have slightly longer legs. They naturally have a coat that is sandy brown in colour with a slate grey undercoat. Because of their high actively level they can be sometimes hard to keep as pets and they are too small for most wire cages. Most of these small creatures can squeeze themselves through the bars. But the Roboroski hamster is an extremely clean animal. It spends most of its time grooming itself and they love a good dust bath.

Even though there are different kinds of Russian Dwarf Hamsters, they all require about the same amount of care. Since most dwarf hamsters can be very fast to escape a good idea is to give them time and exercise outside of the cage to use a hamster ball. These balls are specifically made so that the hamster is able to run around the floor without getting lost. Just make sure that the hamster is not near stairs they might be able to fall down when using the ball.

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